What do I do if I missed one or two days of birth control pill strong? 
First, read the instructions that came with your pill. Generally speaking, if you miss one pill, take two pills the next day. If you miss two pills, take two pills on each of the next two days. If you miss three or more discontinue the pack, use back up birth control and start new pack with next period. It's best to use a backup contraception method such as condoms for the remainder of the month.
Should I get the HPV vaccine?
The HPV vaccine is recommended for adolescent girls who are not sexually active. Females younger than 26 who are sexually active may also benefit from the vaccine. The HPV vaccine is not recommended for pregnant women.
Can I have a pap smear if I have my period?
You should try to schedule your annual exam for when you are not having your period. However, you can have a pap smear during your period as long as the flow is not very heavy.
I have gone through menopause but am experiencing spotting or staining. What should I do?
Call the doctor's office and speak with the nurse or doctor about your symptoms.
When should I bring my young daughter in for her first Gynecological exam?
It is recommended that young women have their first Gynecologic visit at the age of 15, or when they become sexually active and have questions about contraception and STI's. Unless there is a medical problem, you should have your first pelvic exam around the age of 21 years or sooner if you begin sexual activity. You will not usually need a pap smear until you are 21. Younger patients can sometimes be seen if there is a problem but we will determine if they will be seen on a case by case basis.
I skipped one of my birth control pills, and I am now experiencing vaginal bleeding. What should I do?
The skipping of just one birth control pill can potentially produce a hormone imbalance, and which can cause a symptom referred to as "breakthrough bleeding." This is a relatively normal occurrence, and you should take the missed pill as soon as you realize you've skipped it. If you have skipped more than two birth control pills, you should use condoms for the remainder of the month.
I recently found a lump in my breast. What should I do? 
Women who have found a lump in one of their breasts should contact our office to schedule an appointment for an evaluation.
How often should I do a self- breast exam?
Once a month, one week after your period starts or if menopausal, monthly at your discretion, you should perform a self-breast exam. By conducting a monthly breast exam yourself, you develop an understanding of what is normal for you. Most breasts will have some lumps. The self-breast exam helps you detect any changes or signs of a problem. Please contact us if you notice any lumps, changes in what is “normal for you” or nipple discharge.
When will I receive my results from my pap test?
Please allow at least two weeks from the time your specimen was collected. You can also check your results online through the patient portal. You will receive a notification when your results are ready to view.
Will someone call me about my test results?
We will call you if your lab results are abnormal. If all lab results are normal we will contact you regarding your results by way of the patient portal. You may also call us if you are not able to access your results through the portal.
My annual visit is scheduled, but I will be on my period. Can I still come in?
When is my next Depo Provera Injection?
To remain effective, you must have a Depo shot every 3 months (12 weeks). You can schedule your next shot up to 2 weeks before your due date or up to 1 week after your due date.
What would be considered to be abnormal bleeding?
Saturating 1 pad or 1 tampon an hour is considered excessive and should be evaluated.
How do I know my period is or isn't normal?
A period is considered normal if it occurs every 21-35 days and flow is from 3-7 days.
What is the practice's cancellation policy and is there a charge for a missed appointment?
If you contact us and reschedule or cancel your appointment by 24 hours prior there is no charge.
At what age should I schedule my first mammogram?
We recommend annual screening at 40 years old. However if there is a family history of breast cancer, this is individualized for your circumstances.
What should I do if I think I have a yeast infection?
We recommend that you make an appointment, however, if you like, you can try Monistat 3 which is available over the counter. If you are not better after using it, then please schedule an appointment.